Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Rivers and Mental Illness

*My Own Original Photo.*

Last week, I was inspired to write about a river but today, I was writing about depression. I really am okay. My head is in a good place. Since being at Friendship House and Reality, I’ve never felt so strong. In that way. In May, it was Mental Health awareness month. I know I’m a bit behind but I wanted to share the poem I crafted. So here it is: 

Shadows and Light 

Trigger Warning: A Poem About Depression 

Even when the brightness shines through 

Sometimes I still feel like darkness is an old friend 

I’m from the shadows but where I’m at is light 

Trying to hold on to happiness before I succumb

Feeling myself losing 

Even though nothing is wrong 

The black holes is what I am choosing 

My joy is being strung along

I’m from the shadows 

A source of brightness beams from within

I feel myself coming back to the present

The corners of my mouth turn into a grin

As I talk to those who I care about 

Shadows were never meant to be

The light is where I’m at 

I’m from the shadows but where I’m at is light 

My heart no longer feels tugged on or tight

I’m able to enjoy life around me

Setting myself free

From the darkness that I overcome

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