Twenty Things About Me :)

My Younger Self. 

 #1. My full name is Kimberly Anne Edwards. My friends usually call me Kim. My childhood nickname is Kimmy and yes, it is spelled correctly with a ‘y.’ 

#2. I’ve lived in North Carolina for most of my life. The only exceptions were the first three years and a half where I was born, which was in Baltimore, Maryland. Also, a year and a half in Birmingham, Alabama. I love the Avett Brothers, a good Sarah Dessen book and other cool places that have been filmed here. I currently reside in Durham, NC.

#3. I graduated Leesville Road HS in 2008. I have attempted Wake Tech Community College twice. School is really hard for me so I will never finish. I am especially bad at math. The first time I went to study Hospitality and the second time was Business Admin and Human Resources. I wouldn’t know what to study now.

#4. I am very close with my family. I am the oldest. My sister and I are exactly three and a half years apart. We would use to say if we were just hanging out in public people would think we are best friends not sisters not related. We are opposite from each other.

#5. My sister and brother in law met through college at Shippensburg University. She played volleyball and he played football. Sports isn’t my thing but being an aunt is.

#6. I’m an Aunt of a niece and a nephew. Their names are Hallie and Grayson. 

#7. I left my Camp Bow Wow position the same year I started Friendship House. But am now working at a Lowe’s Foods grocery store as a part-time cashier. I have been there for a little over two years.

#8. I am going to be on my fourth year at Friendship House, where I am the upstairs core resident in the Ladies Friendship House. I have also been going to Reality Ministries since 2019. Both of these places have changed my life, for the better. I have a strong social life and feel closer to God. 

#9. I am of the Christian faith. My denomination is Methodist although I actually grew up in a Lutheran Church. 

#10. I have my own dog. He is a German Shepherd mix and a rescue dog from an organization called Saving Grace. He is very sweet and gets scared easily sometimes. He is diagnosed with a cancerous thyroid tumor but it has stopped progressing. There aren’t any pets allowed at Friendship House so he still lives with my parent’s. 

#11. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I have read the books and watched the movies a few more times. The House I see myself in the most is Hufflepuff. To be clear, I do not support the author.

#12. I am creative. I like to draw and journal. I also like this drawing method called Zentangle. I love making Friendship Bracelets. I also love to block print. 

#13. Sunflowers are my favorite flower. I love how bright and happy they are. They are also wild and unruly. 

#14. The Disney movie that traumatized me the most as a kid was the film, Pinocchio. I still do not like puppets, nutcrackers, etc. to this day because they aren’t real. I also didn’t like that the dad was eaten by the whale. I’m okay with whales though. 

#15. I am a picky eater but I am trying to work on that. It is an ongoing struggle and something that I am trying to change.

#16. My old super power would’ve been to heal people but now it’s to see into the future. 

#17.  When I turned thirty, I did not see it as my life ending, like so many young people do. I saw it in a way as it only gets better. My twenties were hard. I got to go on a trip to Harry Potter World at Universal Studios and a trip to London/Paris. 

#18. I am also really into music but I don’t play an instrument or sing that much. My favorite genre is country music. I also like the old Adele and Ed Sheeran. If I really wanted to learn a musical instrument I would want to learn how to play the piano.

#19. I don’t typically wear a lot of make up. Most of the time, I like a very fresh face. Although, lately I might choose a day of the week to wear make up and this might be on one of my days off. I’m very good at painting my own nails. My favorite color to paint them is red. I’m not very good at painting other people’s nails. I have a nail account on Instagram, it’s @_naileditbykim. I am also a jewelry gal.

#20. I don’t have a favorite color. I like them all for different reasons. My favorite color to wear is blue. My favorite nail polish color is red, as I mentioned earlier. I like the color purple too. It’s my phone case, the carabiner clip and a purse I have. I like green because it goes well with my eyes, I have hazel eyes. I also love the color black.

Even on starless nights, somewhere out there light is still pouring through and in the coming hours will find a way to you. - MHN 


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